There's a lot I learned about Software Development and Project Management
in more than 20 years of professional software development experience.
Most of the things are written somewhere else already. But still I'd like
to collect
of the most important things here.
Marco van Meegen, Peter Schless: Programmierkonventionen fiir C++, Softwaretechnik
Trends, Band 12, Heft 3, August 1992
Andreas Kausche, Marco van Meegen, Albert Schappert, Peter Sommerlad, Klaus
Bergner, Bernhard Rumpe: Exploration Field "Automated Software Development"
State-of-the-Art Report, Central Research Department Siemens AG, December 1992
Marco van Meegen: Eclipse Project Builder Workshop, S&S Eclipse Magazin, Issue
Marco van Meegen: Eclipse Draw2d Workshop, S&S Eclipse Magazin, Issue
Articles on this website
For the moment, there is nothing here. If I find some time, I'll add some